Mark Gitenstein este prietenul cel mai bun si angajatul cel mai loial al vicepresedintelui SUA, Joe Biden. A spus-o Biden insusi, direct lui Traian Basescu, explicandu-i ca un mesaj pentru Gitenstein devine imediat unul pentru el. Iar motivul pentru care Biden si-a trimis in Romania prietenul intim tine, cu siguranta, de importanta militara strategica a Romaniei pentru SUA in contextul unui posibil conflict in Iran. Biden pare sa creada ca Basescu garanteaza o subordonare totala a Romaniei fata de interesele de razboi ale SUA, in timp ce un presedinte al USL, mai apropiat de UE, ar putea pune intrebari incomode.
In mod amuzant, cariera lui Joe Biden a fost marcata de o demonstratie dovedita de… plagiat, Biden furand integral un discurs al politicianului britanic Neil Kinnock. In mod si mai amuzant, Gitenstein facea in acel moment parte din staff-ul de campanie al lui Joe si, pe cale de consecinta, ar fi fost la curent cu nevoia sa de inspiratie. Iata ce scrie Washington Post despre cooptarea lui Gitenstein, de profesie lobbyist, in echipa lui Biden:
“Biden’s closest confidant is his sister Valerie Biden Owens, the linchpin of all his campaigns. She helped her brother overcome a childhood stutter and played surrogate mother to his young sons after the death of his first wife and daughter in a car accident. Two other insiders, Ted Kaufman and John Marttila, worked on Biden’s first Senate campaign in 1972. Others who came aboard during the 1970s and ’80s, when Biden was a rising Democratic star, include Rasky, Mark Gitenstein, Ron Klain and Thomas E. Donilon.”
Linia directa a lui Basescu cu Biden este explicata de blogul LegalTimes, care citeaza un dialog delicios intre Biden si Basescu:
“As a member of the Soviet bloc until 1989, Romania is not known as the United States’ closest ally. But its government now has pretty good access to Vice President Joe Biden. A main reason: Biden’s former chief counsel, Mark Gitenstein. Gitenstein was confirmed in July as the U.S. ambassador to Romania. In an appearance Thursday in Bucharest, Biden spoke glowingly of their relationship and called Gitenstein “my best personal friend.” Gitenstein worked for Biden when Biden was chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and until July he was a partner in Mayer Brown’s D.C. office.“He has my ear,” Biden told Romanian President Traian Basescu, according to a White House transcript. “I know you’ve already figured that out, because I know you’ve gone to him and you know he immediately picks up the phone and calls me.”
Biden added, “I hope you won’t take advantage of my friendship with the ambassador too badly.”
The relationship between Biden and Gitenstein dates back 30 years, Biden said. Their families have “raised each other’s children,” and Biden’s grandchildren consider the Gitensteins to be “almost relatives,” the vice president said. (Some of Gitenstein’s ancestors, by the way, emigrated from Romania, according to testimony from his confirmation hearing.) Biden and Gitenstein likely got in some buddy time this week, according to reports from the traveling press pool. Arriving from Warsaw on Wednesday night, Biden stayed at Gitenstein’s residence. At a separate appearance Thursday, Gitenstein introduced Biden for a speech at Bucharest’s Central University Library.” (sursa: aici)
In acest context, vizita de taina a ambasadorului SUA la Cotroceni in preziua suspendarii, despre care a scris DCNews, capata sens: Basescu a folosit din timp “urechea” catre Biden, jucandu-si singura carte care ar mai putea genera un reverse image in materia suspendarii: o interventie asumata si puternica a Washingtonului in problemele politice ale Romaniei, cu o pozitionare deschisa de partea lui Basescu.
Pana in acest moment, Biden pare a fi spus pas, diplomatia americana (care nu e controlata de Biden, ci de politicieni cu simpatii social-democrate) pastrand tacerea. Singurul care a avut mana libera pentru a se pozitiona explicit alaturi de una din taberele politice romanesti a fost expertul politic si lobbyistul Mark Gitenstein.